Saturday, April 2, 2011

Job shadow

I spent two weeks in a little machine shop for my job shadow, It was a blast the two guys that work there were very nice. While I was there I cut metal on the iron worker and ban saw and got to clean out CNC machines and load the new pieces to cut into the machine. I also got to take a part a rock crusher which was very interesting. In a way getting to fix the rock crusher was similar to heavy duty mechanics, because of the way the the rock crusher is designed. We had to hoist the rock crusher up on to a forklift and drive it into a hydraulic press to push out the shaft because it was stuck. then we had to push out the bushings still using the hydraulic press it was very awkward because the rock crusher is not level so we had to prop up and end while trying to set it in the press. I really enjoyed getting to take it apart, it was a really good two weeks off from school.

Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about the first picture is a hydraulic press and the second one is a rock crusher. These are not the actual ones I was working on/with there just pictures of similar one i found on the internet.

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